Stepladder Safety

Western New York Personal Injury Law Blog

Stepladder Safety

­If you work in a construction job, you likely experience stepladders daily. Climbing up to the top is like second nature to you. But do you ever think about how dangerous they are? Here is how you can stay safe on the stepladder at your workplace:


  • Look for overhead power lines before handling or climbing a ladder.
  • Maintain a 3-point contact (two hands and a foot, or two feet and a hand) when ascending/ descending a ladder.
  • Stay near the middle of the ladder and face the ladder while climbing up/down.
  • Use a barricade to keep traffic away from the ladder.

Do Not’s

  • Use ladders for a purpose other than that for which they were designed. For example, do not use a folded stepladder as a single ladder.
  • Use a stepladder with spreaders unlocked.
  • Use the top step or cap as a step.
  • Place a ladder on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases.
  • Move or shift a ladder with a person or equipment on the ladder.
  • Use cross bracing on the rear of the stepladders for climbing.
  • Paint a ladder with opaque coatings.
  • Use a damaged ladder.
  • Leave tools/materials/equipment on a stepladder.
  • Use a stepladder horizontally like a platform.
  • Use a metal stepladder near power lines or electrical equipment.

Although stepladders are commonly used, they are not always safely used. To minimize your accident risk, follow the do’s and don’ts listed above. If you still find yourself experiencing a stepladder accident in the workplace, contact our team at Campbell & Associates. We have extensive experience with both personal injury and construction accidents. Don’t fight for compensation alone; call us at 716-992-2222.


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