Motorcycle Accidents

Western New York Personal Injury Law Blog

When a motorcycle collides with a car or a truck, the results are often devastating for the motorcycle rider. Motorcycles are not only easy to miss in a driver’s blind spot but they also provide minimal protection to its riders, leaving the rider completely vulnerable in an accident.
When a car accident occurs, there are usually many contributing factors. One such factor is speed. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding contributed to an estimated 28% of traffic fatalities in 2014 (latest available data) and accounts for approximately $40.4 billion per year in taxpayer costs.
Drunk driving is a serious problem. Drivers who choose to drive while under the influence are demonstrating poor judgment and negligence. Not only are they endangering their own lives but they can also cause serious accidents with other drivers on the road. Many lives have been lost or permanently changed by the actions of drunk drivers.
With the prevalence of mobile and hand-held devices, distracted driving has become a huge problem on our roads. In New York, it is illegal for drivers to use a hand-held device while driving. But using a speakerphone or headset is allowed. Although the law prohibits behaviors that contribute to distracted driving, it does not mean that all
It depends where you are in the state. New York Vehicle & Traffic Law doesn’t expressly regulate sidewalk bicycling. Instead, New York General Municipal Law § 180(6) permits municipalities to regulate this specific issue. Therefore, the answer will vary depending on what city or town you’re in. In Buffalo, sidewalk bicycling is prohibited except for children 14 and under.


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