Premises Liability

Aggressively Pursuing Premises Liability Injury Claims

When property owners fail to take care of their property, properly address potential hazards, provide adequate security, or control their pets, they are responsible for the injuries that follow. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a property owner or business, you can rely on our team at Campbell & Associates to pursue your rights.

You Should Not Bear the Burden for Their Negligence

Sometimes an act as simple as timely placement of a sign or a simple repair can prevent a catastrophic injury. The key to demonstrating negligence in a premises liability claim is being able to prove that:

  • The property owner, despite being aware of a dangerous condition, failed to provide warning
  • The property owner failed to take measures to maintain a safe property
  • The property owner deliberately or carelessly created a dangerous condition

A personal injury claim can provide financial compensation for your medical expenses and rehab, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages stemming from your injuries. The insurance companies will go to great lengths to avoid doing the right thing; it is crucial to have a proven personal injury lawyer fighting to protect your interests.

Whether you were injured due to a slip or fall, assaulted in an unsecure apartment building, or attacked by a neighborhood dog, we can help you pursue the financial compensation you need to make things right.

We Can Help Make Things Right for You

You do not have to take this on alone. Call 716-992-2222 today for a free consultation or contact us online to get started.

We Advocate For You; Call Our Office Today

Our firm recognizes the difficulties that injured clients face, financially and physically. When you team up with us, you will not only have an attorney working with you side by side but you will also have a strong legal ally and advocate. We genuinely care about the outcome of your case, and we do everything in our power to help you secure a positive case result. To discuss your options, call us at 716-992-2222 or fill out our contact form.

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