Child Birth Injuries

We Understand The Importance Of Putting Your Child First

The birth of a child is a heartwarming, milestone experience for any parent. And while advances in medicine have curbed the dangers presented by childbirth, the reality is that complications can still arise during both pregnancy and delivery, potentially resulting in injury to the mother and/or child. At Campbell & Associates, we understand how it can be a confusing time for new families, especially when someone you trusted is at fault.

The first issue with childbirth injuries is differentiating between complications caused by a birth injury and those caused by a birth defect or irregularity. Generally, birth injuries are caused by something that went wrong during the delivery process itself, while birth defects involve harm to a baby that arose prior to birth, usually caused by something that happened before or during the mother’s pregnancy. A birth injury can occur due to an obstetrician’s use of an improper medical technique during delivery, or through improper use of a medical device such as forceps or a vacuum. Because of the limited time frame involved, the cause of a birth injury is usually much easier to isolate and identify than the cause of a birth defect. In fact, the cause of about 70% of birth defects remains unknown.[1]

Most colorable claims, therefore, arise from birth injuries. However, that is not to say that all birth injuries lead to successful claims or that all birth defects are unavoidable. Complications may arise during delivery that, despite an obstetrician’s use of reasonable and competent skill, result in unpreventable birth injuries. Similarly, a doctor’s conduct while treating a pregnant woman (e.g., prescribing certain medications, improperly assessing a fetus’ health while in the womb) could lead to a birth defect that should have been prevented.


Experience And Compassion In Every Case

If your child has suffered harm due to medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation. At Campbell & Associates, our experienced attorneys have a proven track record of helping families in Amherst, Lancaster, Buffalo, Lockport, Cheektowaga, and other areas of Western New York recover damages for birth injuries and other medical errors.

Due to the complexities of medical malpractice cases, it’s crucial to seek legal advice promptly. Our attorneys can assess your child’s case, determine liability, and fight for your family’s rights.

To hold a medical professional accountable, we must prove:

  1. Breach of Standard of Care: The healthcare provider failed to meet the accepted standard of care in their field.
  2. Causation: The provider’s negligence directly led to your child’s injury.

Don’t wait. Call Campbell & Associates today at 716-992-2222 for a free consultation.

Call Our Office To Get Started

If you or a loved one have questions about your situation, the best thing you can do is talk to an attorney. We will help you work through your potential case and discuss all of the possible options. Call 716-992-2222 today for a free consultation, or send us a message.

Example Verdicts/Settlements For Childbirth Injuries

Estate of Roberts v. New York City Health & Hospitals Corp. (N.Y. Sup. 1995) – A 22-year old female security guard died of a pulmonary embolus caused by internal bleeding during childbirth at Defendant city hospital. Her estate sued, alleging that the Defendant doctor failed to perform a timely cesarean section and allowed the decedent’s labor to continue for an excessive period of time. It also alleged that the administration of a contraction-inducing medication (Pitocin) increased the risk of a pulmonary embolus. Defendants contended that the labor was properly managed. The baby survived. A jury awarded her estate $21,150,000 for wrongful death and malpractice. 

We Advocate For You; Call Our Office Today

Our firm recognizes the difficulties that injured clients face, financially and physically. When you team up with us, you will not only have an attorney working with you side by side but you will also have a strong legal ally and advocate. We genuinely care about the outcome of your case, and we do everything in our power to help you secure a positive case result. To discuss your options, call us at 716-992-2222 or fill out our contact form.

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